Whether it’s for your wedding, birthday or other celebration, party rooms are essential. There are several types of party rooms depending on your needs. To make a good choice of party room, it is important to take into account certain criteria. In the following article we will give you some criteria to consider in order to make a good choice of party room.

The size and convenience of the room

The size of the party room is the first criterion to consider when making a choice. If you are planning a large event, it is important to choose a venue that is appropriate for the event. For most of your events, your guests should have at least 1.5m of space to be comfortable. The party room should also have space for dancing if it is a wedding. If it is a conference or other academic event, the party room should have a large enough podium to allow for the mobility of the speaker. As for the convenience of the room, the party room should have the necessary facilities to ensure hospitality to your guests. For a wedding, for example, the party room to be chosen should have a fairly large kitchen and a storage area.

Cost and duration of hire


The cost of the party room is very important when it comes to making a choice. In most cases, this cost will vary according to the length of time and space. You should also take into account the length of time given by the owner for the appropriate amount. Remember to choose a party room within your means, i.e. within your budget. Many party halls give you the opportunity to do all the decorations and furnishings to start on time. You should therefore choose a party room that will not put too much pressure on you over time.